The Archdiocese of Birmingham - The Parish of the Immaculate Conception

The Throne of Eucharistic Exposition.

This is a piece of equipment used whenever the Blessed Sacrament is exposed in the monstrance for public veneration – for example a Holy Hour or for Benediction. Some more elaborate examples have a canopy that extends up over the monstrance but in its simplest form it is simply a raised platform that is placed on the altar to lift the monstrance up so that it can be seen more easily.

If you have to prepare the altar for exposition remember that Father John, Father Linh or Deacon Michael will have their freedom of movement impaired by the vestments – the cope and humeral veil – that they will be wearing. Place the throne close enough to the edge of the altar so that they can easily reach it to put the monstrance on it and remove it afterwards.